Monday, March 15, 2010

Riding 2 Remember

35 miles up the highway 2 Malibu.

Then 25 miles through windy canyon roads, my heart pounding out of my chest, rolled up into my throat then dropped into my stomach. Trying 2 stay focused on this ride not on my last group ride way back in Nov of 08. Don't focus on the left curves, remember 2 lean and look ahead, don't look in front, focus on this ride not on ur crash, try 2 not remember ur crash, the fear, loose the fear, focus. Shacking, keep control, I feel out of control.

Stop at the Rock Store in Cornell for lunch. I get off the bike over whelmed with emotion, I have 2 walk away from everyone so no one sees my tears. Pull it 2gether. You made it, you r doing fine, u r here, this is now not Nov 08.
